In Media

Populari has had a large number of appearances in media, including in Der Standard, Radio Free Europe, DW, The National, The Guardian, FAZ, The Economist, REUTERS as well as in many local radio/TV stations and newspapers. Many live TV shows hosted and conducted interviews with us. Here you can find some of them.

The Way Back: Brain Drain and Prosperity in The Western Balkans
The Western Balkans will most likely remain an exporter of smart, educated people for years to come – within a migration dynamic that destination countries control. Public discourse on brain drain in the Western Balkans is often oversimplified: emigration boosts ...
Report: Turkey’s Role in the Western Balkans
For the past two decades, Turkey has been rediscovering the Balkans. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the subsequent violence were decisive points in Turkish foreign policy. New openings toward ...
Policy Report:The Rise of the Underdog? - Economy of the Western Balkans
This innovative publication is the unique and timely contribution to the debate on socio-economic matters in the Western Balkans and the economic future of the region. To get a full sense of what is the state of the Western Balkans ...
Policy Brief: Aesop's Fables: 100,000 New Jobs in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Election Promises Never Meant to be Done
Chronic unemployment is one thing all Western Balkan countries share in common. According to all relevant parameters, Bosnia and Herzegovina leads the pack. Despite being recognized as one of the most persistent issues undermining progress and development, solution to chronic ...
Media coverage on Populari's Report "To Serve and Protect: A Story about Security Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina"
The report has been published in February 2016. Press articles can be downloaded below. Press Article: - The Security System in BiH Has Not Reached Its Full Functionality (.pdf) >>> Press Article: - The Security System in BiH ...
Report: To Serve and Protect: A Story about Security Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
What about security in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Is BiH a safe place? Safer than Belgium? Than France? Are the Bosnian police structures well placed to protect citizens and do citizens feel safe? The report you are about to read is ...
Policy Paper: The Western Balkan Worldview?
This policy paper is looking at the top issues on the global media’s agenda in 2014, a pattern telling of how global interdependence to a large extent seems to still bypass the Western Balkans. Report: The Western Balkan Worldview (.pdf) ...
International Round Table: SOFIA Platform 2015
Alida Vračić, Populari's Executive Director participated in the international round table discussion "The EU in a Changing Global Environment: What Next for EU’s Neighbors" iwithin the Sofia Platform 2015, organized by the European Council on Foreign Relations, Sofia Platform and Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign ...
Media Coverage on Populari's Policy Report: “Common Foreign Policy for the Western Balkans?
The report has been published in June 2015. Press articles can be downloaded below. Press Article: - Common Foreign Policy for the Western Balkans? Press Article: - Common Foreign Policy for the Western Balkans? Press Article: - ...
Policy Report: Common Foreign Policy for the Western Balkans?
This paper is an attempt to draw attention to practical ideas while putting aside ideological limitations in the Western Balkans for the purpose of improving security and prosperity of the entire region. It proposes a useful and powerful tool forward ...