Inter-regional Workshop:The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Regional Cooperation
Populari’s Researcher Christine Bednarz participated in the inter-regional workshop “The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Regional Cooperation” that was held on November 17-19, 2010 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and organized by the International Centre for Democratic Transition (ICDT). ICDT held its 4th interregional workshop in the framework of the project Sharing the Visegrad Experience in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partership Countries in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The representatives of the V4 countries presented achievements and lessons learned of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in promoting regional cooperation within the Visegrad countries and the role of CSOs in strengthening regional cohesion, good neighborly relations and EU integration. Second, participants analyzed the…
Conference: Development of Mines Affected Communities and Challenges of Civil Society 2009-2019
Alida Vračić, Populari’s executive director participated in the conference “Development of Mines Affected Communities and Challenges of Civil Society 2009-2019″ that was held on June 08, 2010 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This one-day conference, organised by NGO sector in BiH in cooperation with Mine Action Centre of BiH, within the project „Support to Social Inclusion of Mines Affected Population – Development and Anti-Mine Acitivites“ that has been implemented by Handicap International in Stolac and Berković municipalities. The aim of the conference was to try to find answers for several questions, first of all those related to setting priorities for demining, because when you have 1 500 square kilometers it…
Seminar: The Western Balkans: The Path to European Integration
Goran Tirak, Populari’s Analyst participated in the seminar “The Western Balkans: The Path to European Integration” that was held from May 19-21, 2010 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The three-day seminar discussed how the European Union can complete the integration of the Balkans and the fight against organized crime was organised by The European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) in collaboration with the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI). The seminar’s goal was to make a comparison of the current situation in each of the countries of the former Yugoslavia in relation to the process of enlargement of the European Union and, to encourage effective international involvement in supporting the integration of the Western Balkans into…