“Leaving Europe’s Waiting Room. Overcoming the Crisis of EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans“
Populari’s Policy Researchers Katarina Cvikl and Ajdin Perčo participated at the conference „Leaving Europe’s Waiting Room. Overcoming the Crisis of EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans“ held from November 9 -11, 2012 in Graz, Austria and organized by the University of Graz, Centre for Southeast European Studies. The conference was another opportunity for Populari’s policy researchers to engage in constructive discussion and exchange of opinions with world-class academics and practitioners in the Western Balkans. The overarching theme of the event was the question whether EU enlargement in the region is in crisis and what type of reform would reinvigorate the process. The conference was opened by the president of Macedonia with his elaboration…
International Conference: The Politics of European Integration Process
On behalf of think tank Populari, Ajdin Perčo, policy researcher attended an international conference “The Politics of European Integration Process“ organized by Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Association for Political Science in BiH during November 2 and 3, 2012 in Sarajevo, BiH. The conference was officially opened by Mirela Grünther-Đečević, the Director of Heinrich Boll Stiftung office in BiH, and some of the keynote speakers were Željko Komšić, Member of BiH Presidency, Stjepan Mesić, the former President of Croatia and Renzo Daviddi, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Considering the importance of the EU for the entire region of the Western Balkans, this…
Open Discussion: „Census 2013 in Bosnia and Herzegovina“
Populari’s team consisting of Vesna Malenica, Goran Tirak and Vedrana Čović participated in the open discussion „Census 2013 in Bosnia and Herzegovina“ held on June 25, 2012 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and organized by ACIPS. More details on the conference can be downloaded below: acips.ba: Open Discussion: „Census 2013 in Bosnia and Herzegovina“ (.pdf) >>>