Regional Conference “POINT 2.0”
Katarina Cvikl and Ajdin Perčo, Populari’s policy researchers participated at the conference POINT 2.0 (Political Accountability and New Technologies) held from May 23-26, 2013 in Sarajevo, BiH.
POINT conference (Political Accountability and New Technologies) is a dynamic conference bringing together civil society organizations and individuals from seven countries of Southeast Europe, as well as further abroad (e.g. Central Europe, Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Cyprus).
Presenters and other participating organizations, individuals, groups and institutions are for the most very successfully part utilizing new technologies in their civil society work, such activism or transparency advocacy. One of the featured presentations, for example, put forward the analysis of Morsimeter, an online project for monitoring the fulfilment of election promises of the Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.
The conference was organised by the BH Citizens’ Association “Zašto ne” in cooperation with CRTA from Serbia, Metamorphosis from Macedonia, the Center for Democratic Transition from Montenegro and Mjaft Movement from Albania.
POINT 2.0 is the second edition and a logical continuation of the successful POINT conference, held in February 2012 in Sarajevo.
More details on the conference can be downloaded below:
Press Article: klix.ba: “Conference POINT 2.0 from May 23-26, 2013 in Sarajevo” (.pdf) >>>
ngo.ba: Invitation / POINT 2.0 Conference May 23-26, 2013 (.pdf) >>>