Presentation: What MPs and Journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina Think of the Euro-Atlantic Integrations?
Populari’s Researcher Amina Krvavac attended the event where publication titled “What Members of Parliaments (MPs) and Journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina think of Euro-Atlantic integrations?” was presented. It was held on July 02, 2014 in Sarajevo, BiH and organized by Banja Luka – based Center for Education „Pro Educa“.
The publication summarizes the main findings of the research on the opinion of members of state and both entities’ parliaments, and journalists in BiH’s on the Euro-Atlantic integration process.
Beside Populari representative, the event was attended by the representatives of nongovernmental organizations, political analysts and members of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH as well as members of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH.
Research outcomes show that majority of MPs in BiH support the Euro-Atlantic integration process, but posses superficial knowledge on the process itself. Namely, most of them obtain information on the Euro-Atlantic integration process through media, instead of turning to BiH institutions that are involved in the process directly. Therefore, the question is how to expect from bh. decision-makers to take rational and optimal decisions in the bh. Euro-Atlantic integration process if they do not have neither accurate nor detailed information on the process they are supposed to decide on.
At the end, the presentation also provided the opportunity for attendees to exchange views on the citizen’s and civil society’s dissatisfaction with the current situation in the country, created by actual political elites.