Panel Discussion: “Visa Liberalization for Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Chance which Should Not Be Missed”
Populari’s Executive Director, Alida Vračić participated as one of the panelist in the discussion “Visa Liberalization for Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Chance which Should Not Be Missed” held on February 03, 2010 in Sarajevo, BiH.
The panel was organised by The European Fund for the Balkans and the Association Alumni of the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies (ACIPS) in cooperation with Gallup Europe.
At the panel, Alida presented the results of the research on visa liberalization process which was carried by Popuari and gave short assessment of the results and the future prospects for the entire process.
She said it can be expected that the visa free travel for Bosnia and Herzegovina will be granted later this year.
More details on the discussion can be found in the documents on the right hand side.