EU Stories: Presentations & Debates
In Brussels, Populari succesfully organized two separate events under the name “Presentation & Dissussion: EU Stories” that took place on June 11, 2013 at CEPS (Center for European Policy Studies) and on June 12, 2013 at the premises of the BiH Mission to the EU.
In order to present the project “EU Stories” that was implemented last year by Populari and funded by the British Embassy in Sarajevo, Populari’s team departed for Brussels – the heart of Europe.
Two events that took the form of a presentation & debate and were titled “Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenge to the European Union” were successfully organized at CEPS (Center for European Policy Studies) and the Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union in Brussels.
Aside from the promotion of the “EU Stories” project, the aim of Populari’s events was to initiate open discussion within the broader framework of BiH’s EU accession process.
Vesna Malenica, Ajdin Perčo and Katarina Cvikl shared our findings with key EU policy makers and established direct contacts with representatives of European Parliament, EEAS and European Commission, as well as partnerships with peers-experts from Brussels-based think tanks that are working on EU enlargement policies.As the first think tank from Bosnia and Herzegovina organising such events in the European capital, Populari is more than satisfied with the feedback and fruitful discussion with participants.
More details on the events can be downloaded below:
Agenda: EU Stories: Presentation & Debate in the CEPS (.pdf) >>>
Agenda: EU Stories: Presentation & Debate in the BiH Mission (.pdf) >>>
Video: Interview with Georg Ziegler-Deputy Head of BiH Unit-DG Enlargement-EC (Vimeo) >>>