In 2012, the think tank Populari has been recognized as one
According to a recent and renowned “Global Go To Think Tank Ratings” study, conducted by the Pennsylvania University together with 2000 leading experts, within the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Programme, think tank Populari is one of the best in Central and Eastern Europe and the only think tank from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Not many are aware of their importance reflecting in the fact that as independent researchers of the public policies they contribute to the critical analysis and reflect upon socio-economic issues. In addition, it often goes unnoticed that in that way they help bridging the gap between academic knowledge, state institutions, civil society and public and serve as the catalyst of positive social changes.
However, BiH-based think tanks do not go entirely unnoticed abroad. In the aforementioned report “Global Go To Think Tank Ratings,“ often referred to as “the guide to global market of ideas,” think tank Populari, for the first time this year, as the only think tank from BiH, has been listed 52nd out of the best 60 research centers in Central and Eastern Europe.
The following data witness the volume and relevance of this study:
- 6,603 think thanks from 182 countries invited to participate
- 1,100 persons from 120 countries participated in the assessment process
- 38 categories
- 1,647 think tanks in competition
This global study is carried out for sixth year in a row and serves as an increasingly important reference for policy makers, donors and journalists who follow and support, with the growing interest, the work of think tanks. Therefore, it is extremely important for the media visibility and the quality of the work of think tanks – such as Populari – to participate in such a prominent study. At the same time, for Populari, it is an official confirmation that it has been recognized as a think tank which through critical reflection on relevant topics contribute to creating a better and fairer society in BiH.
With this important recognition in mind, Populari will remain faithful to its methodology – quality research, concrete evidence-based analysis, and accessible language used in its publications.
At the same time, this result should also be a reminder to the governmental sector to appreciate, embrace and promote the work done by think tanks, and an inspiration to the civil society activists to use the research findings and knowledge of the think tanks as arguments for their claims and demands. Finally, this perhaps might encourage local media to follow more actively and regularly the work of local think tanks, as they are often the source of the credible data based on research and analysis.