Media Coverage on Populari’s Project “Schengen White List”
Populari’s project on EU negotiations on visa liberalisation was implemented in 2009. Press articles can be downloaded below: Press Article: About Visa Liberalisation for BiH and Albania (.pdf) >>> Press Article: Ukidanje viza BiH i Albaniji (.pdf) >>> Press Article: Conditions Unchanged but the Procedure More Complicated (.pdf) >>> Other: The Schengen White List Project Compendium (.pdf) >>>
“The EU’s role in the Balkans” / EU:s roll på Balkan
Interview with Alida Vračić, Populari’s Executive Director Press article from the web page of Swedish Radio (Sveriges radio). Press article can be downloaded below: Press Article: “The EU’s role in the Balkans” / EU:s roll på Balkan (.pdf) >>>
Media Coverage on Populari Report “Lost in Translation”
Populari’s report named “Lost in Translation” on the Bosnia’s EU apathy was published on July 26, 2009. Press articles can be downloaded below: Press Article: “Lost in Translation” (.pdf) >>> Press Article: : “Lost in Translation” (.pdf) >>>