Conference: CODE ’14 – Conference on Democracy 2014
Populari was invited to participate at the Conference on Democracy 2014, the third annual conference related to democratic development organised by the International Centre for Democratic Transition in Budapest, Hungary on 3rd April.
As this year’s conference coincided with the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group and the 10th anniversary of accession of Visegrad countries to the European Union, CODE’14 was devoted to the cooperation of the Visegrad countries. During this one day event, topics such as political cooperation and international development of Visegrad countries in general, as well as their cooperation in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership more specifically, were tackled.
Our Policy Researcher Katarina Cvikl talked at a panel on Visegrad cooperation and the Western Balkans alongside Hedvig Morvai, Executive Director at the European Fund for the Balkans, and Sándor Köles, Fellow at the Robert Bosch Stiftung. The discussion of the panellists focused on the possibilities of Visegrad4 type of organisation and cooperation in the Western Balkans or rather on how to make existing modes of regional cooperation stronger, especially in light of recent regional events like the protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was moderated by Imre Varga, former Hungarian Ambassador to BiH and current Senior Advisor at the International Centre for Democratic Transition.
The event provided an opportunity to turn a part of international discussions that has lately been focusing on Ukraine and other Eastern Partnership states, back to the Western Balkans, or even Bosnia and Herzegovina more specifically.
More details on the conference can be found in documents on the right side.