Vesna Malenica, Populari’s Head of Research in the Media
Translated quotes from German of the press article of Austrian daily newpapers Der Standard.
The bankruptcy of about five large companies (such as the detergent factory Dita) in Tuzla led to mass redundancies. The former workers still hope that the Government may save their jobs.
“Privatization in Bosnia is riddled with errors. The companies were sold cheap and abandoned by the new investors who sold out assets and equipment,” explains Vesna Malenica from NGO Populari.
“Dita’s workers haven’t received their wages for 26 months.” Since the promised benefits failed, thousands of families have no more income. The result of privatization is 500,000 workers out of a job, and 100,000 do not have pension payments regulated,” said Malenica.
Press article can be downloaded below:
Press Article: derstandard.at_Bosnisches Frühlingserwachen (Bosnian Spring Awakening) (.pdf) >>>