DGAP Train Programme
Fostering Policy Dialogue in the Western Balkans
The countries of the Western Balkans aspire to membership in the European Union. Until their accession, however, they have to tackle a comprehensive and ambitious reform agenda under the EU’s Stabilization and Association Process; from meeting the political and economic criteria to adopting some 100,000 pages of acquis communautaire.
Think tanks and independent policy research institutes in the region play a crucial role in supporting, but also critically analyzing, this comprehensive transformation process.
With the aim of fostering policy dialogue between think tanks and political actors in the Western Balkans, the TRAIN programme (Think Tanks Providing Research and Advice through Interaction and Networking) offers organizations from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia training and networking opportunities.
In a series of workshops, participating researchers work on writing policy papers and advocacy strategies and have the opportunity to discuss their respective research projects. Afterward the participants present their findings to decision-makers in Brussels as well as at the national level.
The TRAIN programme is funded by the Federal Foreign Office (Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe) and run by the German Council on Foreign Relations (Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.-DGAP).