Additional Media Coverage on Populari’s Policy Brief “Youth Unemployment: Do You Have an Attitude Issue?”
Articles are published at the internet portals dw.de, radiosarajevo.ba and slobodnabosna.ba.
Press articles can be downloaded below:
Press Article: dw.de:Youth Unemployment in BiH – It is the System’s Fault! (.pdf) >>>
Press Article: radiosarajevo.ba:Youth Unemployment in BiH – It is the System’s Fault (.pdf) >>>
Press Article: slobodnabosna.ba: How Others See Us: Youth Guilty of the Misery They Live! (.pdf) >>>
Press Article: tuzla.danas.info: Youth Unemployment in BiH – It is the System’s Fault (.pdf) >>>
Press Article: nezavisne.com: Youth Are Looking for a Job but Not for Work (.pdf) >>>