International Conference: The Western Balkans: Overcoming the Economic Crisis – From Regional Cooperation to EU Membership
Populari’s Executive Director Alida Vračić participated in the international conference “The Western Balkans: Overcoming the Economic Crisis – From Regional Cooperation to EU Membership” that was held on December 09, 2009 in Brussels, Belgium and organized by the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU and the EC in cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).
The event focused on the financial situation in South East Europe and the challenges ahead. In this context the importance of regional cooperation in overcoming the economic crisis was discussed. It brought together up to 200 participants including representatives of the region, member states, international financial institutions and key media representatives.
It was hosted by the Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, and the Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn.
Apart from Ministries of Economy, of Finance and of Foreign Affairs, both of the EU and of SEE that have been invited to participate in this event, representatives from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development as well as members of the European Parliament, think tanks and representatives from the media will partake in this conference.
This event offered an opportunity to present identified project ideas of regional character to EU institutions and relevant international financial institutions.
More details on the conference can be downloaded below: